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Family Stories

Since we started our company in 2014 we have been re-telling peoples’ stories to help demonstrate how things can be done differently when it comes to funerals,  or to show how people can benefit from certain experiences.

This year we decided to ask some families if they would be prepared to share their stories directly. We recognise that this is a really hard thing to do, so have been overwhelmed by the way in which people have wanted to tell us about some of the hardest moments in their lives, and the candid way in which they have shared those stories.

We hope you find their stories helpful.

Ghie Berry
“Funerals are for the living”

Kelly Anne-McNally
“ I want that fancy dress party, I want that 70th birthday party, and I want everyone in fancy dress”

Jo Hindley
“I think those most important entrances and exits are often taken out of people’s hands by people who think they know better”

Rob Grady
“You can do anything but I don’t want brass handles.”

Pauline Grace
“I feel really lucky and blessed that I was able to have dad at home after he died.”

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