Arrangements for the funeral of Fletcher Bolton
Friday 16th October 2020 2.45pm
Redditch Crematorium
Some of Fletcher’s family and friends will be attending a ceremony at Redditch Crematorium to say goodbye to him.
Sadly, due to the current coronavirus pandemic, funerals are being limited in a crematorium and church, so the service is restricted.
A live webcast of the service however will be available for those people who are unable to attend.
To access the webcast follow the link below to the Obitus website
Username: Suro6229
Password: 369155
You can login to the Obitus website at any time to view a test connection (and we strongly recommend you do this) but you’ll only be able to view the Live Webcast between approx. 2.45pm and 3.30pm on Friday 16th October.
Order of Service
Please download Fletcher’s order of service by clicking this link.
Before the crematorium
Fletcher will also be driving past his school – Victoria School, Northfield – at 1pm in his VW hearse to say bye to his friends.
Then there will be a service at St Nicolas Church, The Green, Kings Norton at 1.30pm. For friends and family unable to sit in the church, please do come along to form a Guard of Honour from the car park to the West Gate to honour Fletcher’s life. If you are unable to attend but would like to virtually attend – a zoom service will be available – details will be provided soon.
Instead of flowers, money is being raised for the Friends of Victoria, Parks for Play and Birmingham PHAB camps.
Donations can be made via the following link;
Please share this link with anyone you feel should be aware of Fletcher’s funeral.
Fletcher’s family welcome any tributes, words of remembrance and stories about him so do feel free to leave any messages at the bottom of this webpage. (Please note comments are moderated so do not go live immediately)
In the meantime – please do enjoy the following photos of Fletcher over the years…