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We’re really pleased that there are two funeral related consultations which are taking place – and your opinion counts too!

Funeral Market Study

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is launching a review into the £2 billion funerals market to ensure that people are not getting a bad deal. The study will examine whether the information provided by funeral directors on prices and services is clear enough for people to be able to choose the best option for them.

A year long study by the CMA will look into the condition of the British funeral market including how funeral directors compete with each other, transparency issues and competition across crematoria.

If you have an opinion on the funeral industry or have had experience of issues such as pricing transparency then your voice should be heard. Responses are requested by Thursday 28th June 2018 and you can download the CMA scope and information and how to put forward your views here

Prepaid Funeral Plan Study

The second consultation is the Government’s Call for Evidence  relating to prepaid funeral plans.

The expectation is that a more appropriate regulatory framework will be created in relation to the pre-paid funeral plan sector.

The government is seeking views from all affected stakeholders, including funeral plan providers, funeral directors, insurers, asset managers, introducers, actuaries, solicitors, and consumer interest groups. The consultation document can be downloaded here. The consultation closes on August 1st 2018.


We feel very strongly that consumers are not getting transparency and choice from all funeral directors. It’s incredibly hard to find prices online, the place where many people now go first in their search. And they are often not told that a funeral can be whatever you need it to be, not necessarily what the funeral director is encouraging you to buy. You don’t even need a funeral director at all if you’re happy to make the arrangements yourself.

We believe that sometimes the simplest and cheapest can be the most meaningful. What is needed is clear, honest information. We can deliver that, and think everyone else should too.

If you feel at all strongly about the issue PLEASE consider submitting your responses to the CMA.…/…/cma-investigates-funerals-sector




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