Arrangements for the funeral of Maurice Hughes
Thursday 17th December 2020 11am
Holy Name Catholic Church, Great Barr
Maurice’s family will be attending a ceremony at Holy Name Catholic Church on 17th December to say goodbye to him.
A cremation at Birmingham crematorium for family and close friends will take place after the church service (12.30pm).
Sadly due to the current coronavirus pandemic funerals are being limited, so the services are by invitation only.
Maurice’s son Damien and his wife Jackie, have asked for donations in lieu of flowers please, to either of the following two charities:
Ovacome – a charity for ovarian cancer; Maurice’s wife Mary died from ovarian cancer so it is a charity that means a lot to Maurice’s family – you can donate by clicking this link
Maurice loved gardening and as it embodied his love and enthusiasm for the natural world, his family have chosen Thrive as the second charity, particularly as they have a regional centre in Birmingham. – you can donate by clicking here.
Please share this link with anyone you feel should be aware of Maurice’s funeral.
Maurice’s family welcome any tributes, words of remembrance and stories about him so do feel free to leave any messages at the bottom of this webpage. (Please note comments are moderated so do not go live immediately)