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Arrangements for the Funeral of Nicola Ingham-Stott 

Nicola Ingham-Stott

Oakley Wood Crematorium

Wednesday 12th April 2023, 2.30pm

Nicki’s family and friends are having a ceremony at Oakley Wood Crematorium on Wednesday 12th April at 2.30pm to celebrate her life and to say goodbye to her. All those who knew and loved Nicki are invited to attend.

The service at the crematorium will have a live webcast for those unable to attend. The login details are below:

Use the PIN number below to access the webcast

Webcast Login PIN 212-8842

Webcast Viewing Instructions are available here.

You can log in to the Wesley Website at any time to view a test connection (and we strongly recommend you do this) but you’ll only be able to view the Live Webcast between approx 2.30pm and 3.30pm on Wednesday 12th April 2023. The webcast will also be available to view for 7 days after the ceremony.

After the service, you are welcome to join the family at The Sphinx Sports and Football Club for refreshments and to share memories and stories of Nicki.

You will find details for the crematorium, venue afterwards, dress code and information regarding flowers and making a donation in Nicki’s memory in the sections below.

Messages / Comments

Nicki’s family welcome any tributes, words of remembrance and stories about her so do feel free to leave any messages at the bottom of this webpage. (Please note comments are moderated so do not go live immediately)

Oakley Wood Crematorium

Address: Oakley Wood, Bishop’s Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QP

A map can be found by clicking this link

Celebrating Nicki afterwards

Please join Nicki’s family after the service from 4-7pm at: The Sphinx Sports and Football Club Coventry (where Nicki and Rosie had their Civil Partnership Party)

Address: Sphinx Drive, off Siddeley Avenue, CV13 1WA

Please click here for a link to a map

Donations / Flowers

Please feel free to bring a handful of spring flowers if you wish. There will be an opportunity at the end of the service to place them on Nicki’s coffin.

If you wish to do something in Nicki’s’ memory please feel free to donate to the Myton Hospice Coventry who took such great care of Nicki in her final days.

There will be a donation box available on the day of the funeral, otherwise please donate online via this link. Please ensure you say that the donation is in memory of Nicola Ingham-Stott if you donate online.


As bright and colourful as you can manage.


  1. Nicola Marriott

    Nicki came 2 me at the beginning of her treatment and asked me 2 shave all her hair off cause she wanted 2 be in control of what was happening 2 herself, I just remember how very brave she was and how even though she was the one having it done she was still trying 2 smile and trying 2 make me OK with what was happening. She was a very beautiful, kind and caring lady who will be sadly missed. Sending lots of love 2 her family xxxx

  2. Francesca Raphael Lincoln

    I first met Nicki over 25 years ago when I taught on her arts psychotherapy training. She impressed me then as someone with an appetite to learn, a genuine hunger to develop, so that she could better help the often very damaged women she worked with. I liked her immediately.

    She then came to me for individual supervision and went on to become a member of my supervision group for many years. Her contribution was unfailingly generous, open, often humourous. Her presence, her contribution, helped make the group so much more than simply a professional learning group. Over the years I became very fond of her, and took pleasure in seeing her find her way in life, being with Rosie, becoming a mum to Max and Lillie, coming into her own in so many ways.

    Her openness, preparedness to know the emotional truthfulness of things, seemed to fuel a determination to overcome what was difficult, whether personally or professionally. I think these qualities made her someone with a tremendous capacity for empathy – a quality I imagine would have been hugely appreciated in those she worked with, as well as family and friends.

    There was something self-deprecating in Nicki; she gave so much of herself, she was warm, appreciative and generous.
    In the last few messages we exchanged, a few weeks ago, which we both knew were our goodbye, I felt she was the one giving to me – somehow the wrong way round, but typical of her. In letting me know how safe, loved and supported she felt in those final weeks of her life, she somehow took care of me.

    Rosie, Max and Millie, I send you love and wish you well in the coming weeks and months, as you begin to find your way without her.

    With love,

  3. Denise Fowler

    I first met Nicky while at Warwick University. We were a group of raucous feminists. Nicky was quieter than most but had a big impact. Her political commitment, kindness, compassion and intellectual curiosity were evident then and remained throughout her life. A lovely woman taken far too soon. My heart aches for her family. She will be so missed by so many.

  4. Jez Stott

    An A-Z for my sister Nicki – RIP Sis 💙
    A Arsenal
    B Brave
    C Competitive
    D Down to earth
    E  Entertaining
    F Football
    G Gullible
    H Happy holidays in Anglesey
    I Irreplaceable
    J Jez – Nicki’s annoying brother, who wound her up and will miss her loads
    K Kind
    L Loved
    M Manic
    N Natural
    O Off the wall,
    P Passionate
    Q Quizzes
    R Remarkable
    S Seeking attention
    T Thoughtful
    U Unique
    V Vulnerable people supported
    W Winner 2021 Fantasy Football League,
    X Xcellent sister (in-law), daughter, wife, mother, auntie, niece
    Y Because she was the best sister anyone could wish for
    Z Zoom 

  5. Jennifer Roberts

    Dearest Nicki my ‘friend for ever’ since we were about 4 years old. Always side by side at school, choir & even the pantomime 😀. We even both ended up living in Coventry.
    We shared so much when we were growing up & more recently you & Rosie shared the most difficult of times.
    I’ve got lots of memories of things we did & talked about sitting in our bedrooms or gardens or on our way to school-you were always the dreamer literally. You’d tell me things we’d done or that had happened & I’d say you dreamed that last night didn’t you & we’d laugh as you say oh yeh! I still laugh when I remember you telling me you thought you could retrain as an accountant – goodness knows where that came from.
    But the thing I see when I think of you now is your beautiful eyes lit by your smile. They reflected your kindness, happiness , humour & vulnerability Thank you for being my “friend for ever”. Go gently sweetheart xxxx💕

  6. Gill Carter

    I met Nicki as a single mum when I was coming out. She was the kindest friend and I remember her talking to me about wanting to be a mum. I was delighted when she and Rosie had Max and Millie. Nicki was always so supportive and she and Rosie went out of their way to be a good friend to me when my relationship finished. A lovely soul who will be missed so much. ❤️

  7. Sharon Griffin

    Rosie was my manager at work and I met Nicki through her in 2001. I went to Max and Millie’s naming ceremony and met Nicki and Rosie as new mothers, who faced the task of raising their children in the face of prejudice and discrimination. It was clear that as mothers they were loving and fiercely protective warriors. I saw Nicki supporting Rosie through her illness in 2008/9 and felt happy for them when they married a few years later.

    I contacted Rosie when I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in April 2022. I felt so lost and scared and Rosie and Nicki both contacted me to offer a face time call to support me. They gave me some time and shared information from their own experiences, which helped me to see a pathway towards taking some control of the situation I was in.
    I got a second opinion from a professor that they recommended and this changed the treatment I opted for.
    From then on Nicki and I would message each other about how things were.
    As she started to get poorly, I went through treatment and in terms of response, so far so good.

    Nicki generously expressed being pleased that I was doing ok, even though things were getting painful and scary for her. What a phenominally kind, empathic, supportive, generous but real woman Nicki was.

    The world will miss the wonderful human that Nicki was, but most of all, Rosie, who has been right by her side for all those years, and the children, and Nicki’s beloved family, will be struck by her loss for many months and years to come because grief comes when you lose someone you love so much.

    Thank you to Nicki and Rosie for your help and support, because of you, I stopped feeling lost and I will always be thankful. Sending all my love and if ever I can help you, please ask, because I owe you xx

  8. Elena Berek

    I was so fortunate meeting Nicki way back in the late eighties. We had fun times going to clubs and pubs. Her beautiful smile and infectious laughter. I was lucky that we remained friends eversince.
    She met Rosie and they had two children together, life was hectic but she still found time to meet up for a coffee.
    I can’t think about this world without Nicki in it; a kind, caring, thoughtful, beautiful woman, taken far too soon.
    I hope to meet you again Nicki, you are loved and missed and what I wouldn’t give just to see your face and hear you laugh again. You will always be in my thoughts, my heart and I will always love you ❤️💔xxx

  9. Lynette Stott

    Sister(s) in Law

    You’ll always be remembered
    Loving, caring and daft!
    Luckily you found Rosie,
    your Wife, your rock, your raft.
    We will share tears and memories and forever our love for you will last.
    RIP Nicki ❤

  10. Liz Farmer

    I first met Nicki when we worked together, she was the loveliest & kindest person I have ever known. She was there for me when my youngest son had his major operations and gave sound advise.

    I was honoured to do the flowers for hers and Rosie’s wedding.

    She also came to my wedding back in 2015, and I have the so many lovely photos of her and I look back on them and she always had a beaming smile.

    We may have lost contact due to me moving on to another job, but I always asked about her thought our mutual friends, I was devastated to hear about what she had been going through, she is now at peace and I believe that the Angels only take the best… My heart goes out to Rosie, Max & Millie, you will be in my thoughts today. xx

  11. Denise Fowler

    Thank you so much for allowing us to be part of this beautiful tribute to Nicki. It was a beautiful heartbreaking service. She was so loved.

  12. Tina Cumberlidge & family

    Dearest Nicki, so loved, so cherished
    We are so grateful for Nicki and for her and Rosie and the children for bringing such happiness, colour and warmth to our family
    Nicki’s presence will be forever felt, we love you always 🌈

  13. Rosie Ingham-Stott

    To my wonderful gorgeous wife, i had 33 happy years with you. full of love, life and adventure. i have so much admiration for you for all you achieved in your life and the completely courageous way you have tackled these last two years. i collected your ashes today but weirdly feel so glad you are back with us. your funeral was a beautiful tribute to you with so much love ❤️. Thank you so much to all those who also loved my nicki, fly high my sweet woman until we meet again xxxxxxxx🌹❤️


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