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Arrangements for the funeral of Phyllis Doneghan

Friday 19th May 2023 12 midday

Family and friends are gathering at Highbury Hall on Friday 19th May to say goodbye to Phyllis and to celebrate her life. Please arrive by 11.30am for a 12 midday start and gather in the bar area with the family.

After the ceremony immediate family will accompany Phyllis for a commital at Robin Hood Crematorium. All are invited to stay at Highbury Hall for refreshments and food.

The family will then rejoin you at Highbury where you can continue to share stories and memories of Phyllis.

Tributes and flowers are welcome. Phyllis loved flowers but If you would like to make a donation in Phyllis’s memory instead, please consider British Heart Foundation.

You will find details for directions to Highbury Hall, Dress code and information regarding making a donation in Phyllis’s memory in the sections below

Christine Hensey
Messages / Comments

Phyllis’s family welcome any tributes, words of remembrance and stories about her so do feel free to leave any messages at the bottom of this webpage. (Please note comments are moderated so do not go live immediately)

Highbury Hall

You can find a map of Highbury Hall HERE   There is limited parking at the venue.


If you would like to make a donation in Phyllis’s memory,

Please consider  British Heart Foundation

Please remember to include Gift Aid, if you can.

There will also be a collection on the day of the funeral.

Dress Code

Smart dress please, but black is not obligatory, Phyllis loved the colours teal and mauve and purple.


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