Tia Leonie Hitchman
14th December 2002-25th March 2021
In Memory
Tia is greatly missed by Avril, David, Miya, Andre and all of her extended family and friends. Tia was a warm fun-loving young lady with a determined spirit and a strong will. Throughout her young life, Tia overcame the obstacles that she faced, often with a smile and a sense of humour. Tia is held dear in the hearts of many who met her and took the time to get to know and understand the special person that she was.
Tia’s family attended a ceremony to celebrate her life and say goodbye to her on Thursday 15th April 2021 at Sun Rising Natural Burial Ground.

Tia’s family welcome any tributes, words of remembrance and stories about her so do feel free to leave any messages at the bottom of this webpage. (Please note comments are moderated so do not go live immediately). If anyone has any photos or videos of Tia that they would like to share with the family, these can be sent to tia.hitchman@gmail.com.
To My Beautiful Sister,
Thank you for everything. You have made me into a better man. In life we have ups and downs, corners and bends. Wins and loses. You have shown me to play the best hand possible even when the ode are against you and never give up. I love you with all my heart.
As time has passed T the memories you have left are still shining bright. Your smile would light up a room and that cheeky personality of yours would win anyone over in the first 5 minutes of being around. Over the years I had known you the more I got to learn your beautiful personality the more I understood how so many people loved you. You became part of everyone’s family that was lucky enough to know and love you. Shine bright sweety, it was an honour knowing you and I feel privileged to have been able to say I knew Beautiful Tia ❤️. Lots of love xxx
Tia was with us for a relatively short time but in that time she had a good quality of life and lived her life to the maximum!
A Poem for our beloved Tia from the Bailey Family
Tia Hitchman,what a girl you were to we
In all of our hearts, carried you will always be
When you were born, you never lingered,
you held on tight to David’s finger.
Quite an example made to us all,
even though you were very weak and small
You made us laugh
You made us cry
We feel broken now you die
They say that we must carry on
In hearts and minds we must be strong
We know you’ve gone to a much better place
In God’s great kingdom you reserved a space
For now, you are in restful sleep
And for a while, we all shall weep
Fond lasting memories we shall keep
Most of all we’ll remember your smile and laughter
A beautiful soul forever after
High in the night’s sky afar,
there’s Tia’s new bright shining star!
Rest in Peace Tia!
Amen x
My beautiful and incredible niece,
What a star!
You were the world to your amazing parents and wonderful siblings and loved by your family and all who knew you.
” I just love that little girl!”
Your Auntie Freda would always say
” Mum, she is sooooo beautiful! Such a fighter”
Your Auntie Jan would say
” I cannot believe that you are related to Tia Hitchman!”,
Said nurse Jola Fory’s who one day was talking about the children she had nursed in the past, ” she is such a lovely girl, so beautiful”
I certainly missed out on not seeing you more than I did darling, but am so blessed to have met you.
Rest now my lovely, until we next meet. Then I will be able to spend all the time I want to get to know you more.
“The life of the dead is placed on the memories of the living. The love you gave in life keeps people alive beyond their time. Anyone who was given love will always live on in another’s heart (Marcus Tullius Cicero).” — As Tia will in ours.
O tia where do I begin, we really did have so many fun and memorable times together. Firstly I’ll let you into a secret, you miss hitch we’re only meant to be a little summer job while I decided what to do with my degree as only just graduated but no like you do with everyone you meet you absolutely stole my heart and it was such a pleasure looking after you, it really was not a job. Then years and years later i decided for my family I needed a carear and thanks to you ti, you gave me the confidence and knowledge to go and do my nursing and I am so grateful for that ti.
We really did get out and about, especially in the holidays. Most days we would go for a nice walk, Sutton Park or to the library and when you were younger I would get you on all the equipment on the park, woosh you down the slide and get you on the roundabout. Drayton Manor was another fun day, I think at first you were unsure but then the smiles kept coming, secret adrenaline junkie! We also had some amazing holidays with your lovely family, I’ll never forget centre parcs, firstly because I whacked your dad in the eye with a shuttle cock 🙈 but also for the fun we had in the pool. One minute I remember just relaxing in the pool ti and the next the wave machine came on, jeebers I pooped myself but you just went with the waves and the flow and loved it. I think your calm place was defintely the water, whether it be in your lovely jacuzzi bath or in the swimming pool. I remember at school when you were having a hydro session, you were already mega chilled and then one of the teachers, Ed started playing the guitar, I think like all of us you had a big soft spot for Ed, he was mega cool and sweet.
Then when your mum got you a bus pass, there was defintely no stopping us getting you out and about. We would go into Sutton and even to Birmingham and look round the museum at all the colourful paintings. Then we can’t forget Acorns, our little get away weekends. I think your favourite place was the sensory room, chilling on the bean bags with all the sensory lights and music on. Followed by some arts and crafts and a little stroll in the pretty gardens I think was your perfect day there.
Tia you are one mega special lady and you will be missed soo much by soo many people. Those beautiful brown eyes and gorgeous eyelashes we were all so envious of just totally melted anyone’s heart you met. I’ve never met such a stronger person, you put up with so much and you still would smile and moo away. Thank you so much ti for all the amazing memories, every day with you was such a pleasure. You will forever be in my heart and my thoughts love you loads xxxxx
When I look back on all our memories that we shared together, I only have a smile on my face and feel nothing but happiness in my heart.
I will miss all the fun things that we did together… mainly the Saturday club that we formed, where me, you and Miya would shut the door of your bedroom and watch TV pretty much all day eating chocolate and biscuits.
I’ll even miss when we would all team up to push you up a gigantic hill and you would yawn at the top as if we had tired you out.
Mainly I would just like to say thankyou, thankyou for always making me laugh, thankyou for teaching me the important things in life and thankyou for being my friend.
When I first met you T I had no clue I would end up with the craziest, bestest extended family that I could wish for with one major thing in common – our love for you.
This isn’t goodbye forever, just goodbye for now.
Tia there is so many amazing memories that come to my mind when I think of you, And it’s to hard to pick just one thing to say as I have thousands of words, but you are one hell of a beautiful girl who has shown us all a different meaning to being strong, and a fighter. Your smile has always warmed my heart- literally, it’s crazy how a smile can make you feel something in your chest, and I’m sure your smile did that to everybody. I miss walking in your room and saying HI BABE or HI BEAUT or HI GORGEOUS.
And here I what I wrote for you my gorgeous girly…
This is my poem for you Tia, and IV had some of the best experiences in these six years knowing you. From the times you pushed me away because I was doing your head in to the times you let me give you a big hug, and the times you laughed at my dancing to the times you joined in and danced with me. Tia if I read this wrong, just like the story books, I’m sorry, you know what I’m like.
Tia I love you
You were my ray of sunshine
What a beautiful soul you have always been
The most beautiful girl I have ever seen
I hope your healed and smiling
We know you are looking down on us when the sun is shining
You showed us all a delicate kind of love
And you can now share it with your loved ones above
On this earth not long enough
God needed a angel, one that is tough,
Going through battles you smiled through them all,
And for you we will stay strong, We will try not to fall,
So rest in paradise my beautiful girl
So pure and precious remembered by all.
Tia I love you
18 years may not seem long
Yet 18 years a life lived strong.
A life not short of trials and sorrows
Yet a life full of love, joy with promises of tomorrow.
I have loving parents, who could have asked for more? who loved me for all that I stood for
I asked Jesus when he met me at the door, what did I do to deserve their love so?
I have a sister, a twin you know. She’s going to do great things and I love her so
She is lovely both inside and out, as lovely as me, to that there is no doubt.
I may not be here in body, yet my life lives on, in your memories, your heart and your love for me – that has always remained strong.
I am making my own footprints, in the sands of heaven you know,
I’m holding onto Jesus’s hand, and I have invited Grandma Bailey and Grandpa Hitchman along.
I have so many questions to ask Jesus, I’ve told him this walk my take a while.
I’ve reminded him I’m eighteen, and no longer a child.
I’m loving my place in heaven, I saved you all a room. Wishing you a long and happy life until we meet there soon.
So many memories of my time on earth, most of them good,
Forever grateful to my carers, whose compassion towards me, made them part of our family.
I’ve left so many memories, too much for you all to count
And despite COVID restrictions you have all turned out.
Miya, thank you for choosing my burial plot, so green and filled with wonder. Of course, you know I don’t live here, I’m now residing with my Heavenly Father.
Safe journey home everyone and may your life be blessed
Just know the light of Tia still shines on, and I’m peacefully at rest.
Until we all meet again. 🙏🏾❤️
We only really met Tia at a few HITCHMAN family gatherings but she always seemed to have a smile on her face which spread to the people around her. So sorry for your loss
My condolences to Tia’s family, and as much as you will all miss her, she is due to receive what our Good God has ready for her. She was an angel. Below is a verse from the Wisdom of Solomon which should much comfort to you all:
“The souls of the righteous are in the hands of God, and there shall no torment touch them. In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die, and their departure is taken for misery, and their going from us to be utter destruction, but they are in peace. For though they be punished in the sight of men, yet is their hope full of immortality. And having been a little chastised, they shall be greatly rewarded; for God proved them and found them worthy for Himself. As gold in the furnace hath He tried them, and received them as a burnt offering. And in the time of their visitation they shall shine, and run to and fro like sparks among the stubble. They shall judge nations and have dominion over peoples, and their Lord shall reign unto the ages. They that put their trust in Him shall understand the truth; and such as be faithful in love shall abide with Him; for grace and mercy is in His Saints, and visitation among His elect.” -Wisdom of Solomon- (3:1-9)
To the family of Tia, you have left your family’s arms where you were loved. You take the wings of an Angel and fly into the arms of God. Although we miss you tremendously you are in our hearts. I can see your love in the gentle breeze with the plants and flowers in the beautiful garden. Rest with The Most High
Tia,i cared for you for 11 years,but that care was given with love and devotion. The day god came and took you it broke my heart.i will miss your smile,and the time we spent together, but most of all i will miss our talks.i didnt want you to go i prayed so hard,that god would let you stay.but i think he needed a special angel that day.god bless you tia.love ele.xx
12.5 years ago I was given the opportunity to work with a beautiful and wonderful little girl, Miss Tia, back then she was a little girl as she was only 5 years old.
When you start this type of work you never expect to gain a family, but that is exactly what we all got, an extended family which didn’t just consist of Tia but also consisted of David, Avril and Miya and that is when we stopped looking at it as work but rather spending time with family.
We all have our memories and moments with Miss T as we have heard today and I know we could literally spend the whole day reminiscing but today I want to say thank you to David, Avril and Miya for accepting us and treating us like family and for giving us the wonderful opportunity to care for and love Miss Tia, it has been an absolute privilege to have had Miss Tia and you in our lives.
While Miss T may be resting the extended family remains. Miss T you will be forever in our hearts.
I remember meeting Tia in Jamaica and so glad I did. She was a happy girl surrounded by the love of everyone. I am sorry she is gone from us but I can see she left a lot of inspiration to those that knew her.
My deepest condolences my niece and the entire family m.
I remember my brother Brian, Tia’s grandpa, telling me and our mother (Tia and Miya’s great grandmother) of Tia and Miya’s birth and how he and Christine were both very proud.
We finally saw Tia and Miya a little later.
That seems a long time ago.
Whenever we saw Tia she was always being meticulously cared for by Avril, David, or a carer, and later Miya.
Everyone loved Tia and this was plain to see.
My mother, Tia’s great grandmother, always wanted to know how Tia and Miya were getting on, and she always made a beeline to Miya to touch and speak to her, whenever we met up.
I attended Tia’s ” Celebration of life” at the Sun Rising Natural Burial Ground and found it a very loving and moving ceremony.
Tia’s gift was to bring out the best in people that they did not know they had. It is a special gift, not given to many.
This is evident from the loving words at the ceremony and in the tributes on this webpage.
Tia’s testament is to live on as a force for good in people’s hearts.
Tia was a blessing to all who had the privilege of knowing her, and was blessed by the unstinting love of her immediate and wider family, her excellent teams of carers, and many many others.
Her impact will last into eternity, in the same way God’s love remains to surround all of us who miss her!
Tia was a wonderful member of our Zoom film club and she will be missed by us all. Thank you for getting involved Tia, and for making us smile and sharing your enthusiasm for films. Our thoughts are with Tia’s family, carers and friends.
Love from your friends at Open Theatre’s Film Club x
Whilst I did not have the privilege to know Tia personally I know from talking to the team at Acorns she was a bright joyous girl, she touched the lives of many, she has I am sure left all those who loved her with the wonderful memories of that sparkle.
Tia a you were loved so very deeply and will be thought about with fond memories everyday by those who knew you best.
Love big cuz Cliff and the family
My beautiful Titi,
I have had the privilege of meeting you just as you have turned 7 years old. You didn’t hang about then showing me who the real Tia is.
Titi is very expressive. She would tell you exactly how she feels. She always has that smile on her face, a grin is what I call it which lights up every room she goes into. She too can tell you when she’s upset. But what I remember the most was how sensitive she is to someone’s feelings. She knows the people she is with inside and out. I wouldn’t forget the moment when I wasn’t my usual self, she knows something was bothering me. She was attending school at the time and during break time we would normally go outside to play. Just as I was getting her ready, she gave me a cough. I got ready to suction her but when I turned around to do so, I caught her gaze. This time she stopped coughing and she was staring right through to me (as if to say you’re not ok). I burst into tears and so she did. Then we hugged. At that moment, I didn’t need to explain anything. She knew, and she was upset seeing me upset.
Tia is very loving too. She knew I am always looking tired and I love lying down. When we’re at school, most times she would make a way for her to lie down on the giant bean bag. She would appear tired even if she had a good night sleep, or she would be too worked up with coughing, she would need a rest. She usually does this when we’re together and I often think that she does because she knew, if she does lie down, I too will lie down with her. We used to love the sensory room where we usually lie down quietly just looking at the colours in utter silence, while I usually either hold her hand or gently rub her legs to keep them warm.
We didn’t just have fun times although our fun times were not the sporty ones. She knew my physical limitations when it comes to sports, but we had our fair share of tender moments too when we used to sit tight during the night in anticipation of a busy day.
Tia is an achiever. She is determined. She knows what she wants, what she needs and one way or another she will fight her way to get it. She is an inspiration to many. Her determination was my inspiration to continue to find ways on how we can make a difference to people’s lives especially to children like her age. She made sure that her voice is heard when she is consulted. She will raise her hand in agreement or she will roll her eyes otherwise, unless she blanks you if she completely disagrees. She has left a legacy which would hopefully continue to be of service to other children, to empower them to make choices and to live their lives to the fullest just as how she lived hers.
Tia has brought in people from different walks of life to look at life the way she does. She has formed special relationships, a bit like the rainbow seen as one but with different colours joined together to form a beautiful picture.
Up to this day, I couldn’t thank her family (David, Avril, Miya and Andre) enough for sharing her to me. The years of memories I have with you will always be in my heart.
All my love to you my beautiful Titi xxx
I nursed Tia on the ward as a baby before she came to Acorns and admired her courage and fight even from this young age. It was a joy to see her when I started to work at Acorns. Tia overcame hurdle after hurdle against all the odds, still managing a smile and indicating what she did and didn’t like! Tia grew to be a beautiful young lady and it has been a privilege to have known her.
Beautiful Tia, Although it has been some time since we saw you, we share some cherished memories. In your short life you showed courage & determination. Your strength is a lesson to all who knew you. God bless you and may you rest in peace. Cheryl, Grant, Eleanor & Lauren x
When Tia was well enough, she used to welcome me with a smile! She loved art and craft activities but if I offered activities, she didn’t like she was also really good at letting me know! 😊
My last few visits which were over a year ago Tia was really tired but enjoyed me reading to her and giving her a hand massage and if I stopped this too soon she would wave her hand at me to carry on!
I always looked forward to my visits to Tia.
My last and favourite memory of my darling niece Tia was her beautiful smile. Rest now in perfect peace sweet Tia.
Aunty Monica
Beautiful Tia, it was a privilege to have known you. You were a beautiful light in this world and I will cherish the memory of your smile. I feel you are smiling in heaven right now as one of God’s precious angels. Gianna, Hannah and I will miss seeing you on our trips to Birmingham but will hold your memory close to our hearts
Oh Miss Hitchman I found myself thinking about you so many times since I left your care team and knowing that you recently passed away, beleive me left me sleepless and hartbroken!
I really want to thank you for teaching me how to care for you,for letting me be your friend and for letting me walk beside you for a short but meaningful while, you have completely changed my perspective on life.
I will never forget the first meeting with David and Avril when they told me that I had to get to know you and you would let me know what you needed from me, oh boy if that was true!
How hard have you made me work before I could get a smile between a push and a look?
Tia I will always tresure those memories I had so much fun with you and the team.
Rest in peace beautiful soul, you have been loved very much and forever will be.
Tia was such a special girl, whenever she smiled everyone smiled with her.
My favourite memories of Tia are in Torquay when Tia would just be so happy and smiling and laughing at everything, and reading books to her on the balcony in the sun, and Tia having tastes of chocolate, just loving life!
Another favourite memory was when we went to the botanical gardens on a school trip and Tia had her face painted and she was so happy when she stroked a ferret, it was so lovely seeing Tia enjoying her trip with her school friends.
Also seeing Tia’s enjoyment when she went on a sailing boat with her school just relaxing on a bean bag in the boat.
Just seeing Tia enjoy life and be so strong was amazing.
Rest in peace Tia X
Sweet Tia
So sad to hear you have left us.
I never did forget about you, what a beautiful youn
g lady you became.
You are free now, rest in peace.
Love Yasmin
I knew Tia or tt as I often called her more so in her earlier years when I cared for Her at home and at school.she had such a feisty spirit even at such a young age. At school she was determined and sometimes a bit of a show off !!!. She certainly knew how to charm the teachers and everyone around her just loved her. On days off from school we would often go to the shops and sometimes grab lunch in one of the local cafes. Often people would come over to us snd say hello. Tia would flutter those crazy long eyelashes of hers and she became quite the celebrity at the Hindleys cafe . She had the most loveliest smile and truly had a zest for life. She was also a daredevil on the swings in mere Green . She would give me the look if I wasn’t going high enough which was kind of hard when she was sat on my lap !!! I Will treasure the memories I have of Tia, I was privileged to have known her.
Sleep tight TT Poppycat loved always xxx
Who would have known from day one of your life you would spend most of it fighting to be a daughter and a sister. You had so much fight within you.
Now you don’t need to fight anymore. You can dwell in peace with the Lord.
Love Auntie Myrtle
I often think of Tia fondly, particularly dancing to DNCE’s Cake by the Ocean in registration at school. She had a beautiful smile, wonderful spirit and was extraordinarily brave. She had overcome so many challenges in her life with her family at her side.
Tia – you, Miya and your Mom and Dad are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are looking down on us from heaven, pain free, smiling that warm and beautiful smile and knowing how much you are loved.
Love, Beth
Tia will always live forever in my memory, a much loved daughter, sister and granddaughter, always at the centre of her loving family, she will be greatly missed. A determined young lady who overcame her many difficulties to let her strong character and personality shine through. She always enjoyed nature around her. I remember her in the gentle breeze that blows through the trees, the sunlight and the rain drops. One of God’s flowers now returned to him in the beautiful place she is now at rest. In loving memory, Granny xxx.
Tia, you will be missed at school. It was wonderful to have you in Galileo and then 5.5.
You worked so hard each day, determined to try your best in each activity. I remember how much you loved reading and we created stories together. Your lovely personality and smile brought joy to everyone around. I never thought the presentation on zoom about your 18th Birthday would be the last time I saw you, but I am grateful we all got to share it with you. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and carers. I will always remember you and you will forever be in my heart.
Love Shiba
I only knew you for a short while but in that short time you had such a huge impact in my life. Not having had much care experience I learned quickly because looking after you was such a meaningful experience and I was so eager to impress :). You were such a lively person and the thing I miss the most about you is the way your eyes used to light up when you smiled. You were loved tremendously and you were blessed to have had such a wonderful family in Miya and your mum and dad also including all the people who looked after you Emma, Fay, Ele, Leigh all loved you to bits and I know you will be missed and you will always have a special place in so many hearts. Rest well beautiful girl. Love Hildah ❤️❤️❤️
Tia I have known you for about 13 years, where I had the great pleasure to work with you and support you at school. Little did I know back then how you became such an important part of my life and how special you are to me.
I have so many beautiful memories of you, especially when you was in Helens class with me and Julia. Do you remember how we both loved our Art lessons, Helen would ask you who you wanted to work with and you would answer by touching the switch Vicky (me) every time 😂. You knew I would push you hard because I believed in you and knew you could achieve so much. You showed me how clever you was at painting and printing with those palm prints too. Not mentioning our music lessons and how Izzy tried to get you to moo! You also loved listening in on all our girly gossip and smiling like you was saying ha ha I know xx
I am so proud of you Tia for so many reasons and to look back on all the achievements you made is wonderful, because I knew just how hard you worked.
You left my school to go to Wilson Stuart, your determination continued, I know, as I used to hear how clever you was at using the eye gazer and more. I knew you would have lots of enjoyable experiences their too, and I knew you would be ok as you had to keep Eleanor on her toes! And I knew you would look after each other.
Now God has taken you, a beautiful angel who will fly high x
You will be hugely missed. I love you my beautiful princess xxxx
Dear Avril and David,
I was so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear Tia.
It has been a pleasure to know her and work with her since she came to Wilson Stuart. I have a fond memory of her in a bright red standing frame with a crown on -wearing it with absolute pzaz!
She has always struck me as being so well looked after, and I know that is a testament to the effort you have put in, somehow managing to not put life on hold whilst ensuring Tia has everything she needs. You have managed to chase things as effectively as anyone ever can within these systems but without being outspoken or rude. You may not realise that’s a very rare balance to behold!
My thoughts are with you as you as you adapt as a family to the void left behind.
Please let me know if I can be of any practical help in terms of equipment and that kind of thing, when the time is right.
Kind regards,
Tia was such a beautiful girl, she touched so many hearts and she will never be forgotten. It was a pleasure to look after Tia and I have so many found memories. I will never forget Tia’s beautifully painted nails and lovely smile. What a life Tia lived, the photos are stunning. I am so sorry to hear the sad news, but seeing where Tia is now resting brings so much peace. What a beautiful place for everyone to visit, just like Tia. Everyone is in my thoughts- David, Avril, Miya, extended family and her devoted care team. Tia will be in our hearts forever. Rest in Peace ❤️
Tia will continue to be an inspiration to me. It was always a joy to visit her and my deepest privilege to baptize her at Birmingham Children’s hospital. Her love of her family, those she meet and life shone through how she was uniquely made in the image of God. She redefined perfect. We will all miss the joy she brought in to our life’s. Our prayers will continue to be for Avril, David and Miya, you will always be a part of BCH life’s and in our hearts, as will Tia.
Dear, beautiful, amazing Tia,
We met but a few times, yet, inspite of this, through the wonderful, loving things I have heard about you from, your family, auntie Freda, auntie Jan and others who have been blessed to know you, I feel as though I knew you pretty well.
I am, nevertheless, certain that through not having had the opportunity to spend quality time with you, I have missed out on the love, beauty and joy that appears to radiate effortlessly from you onto all those that have. You, evidently, leave them with no other choice but to smile a happy smile. . .
I sincerely hope that we will finally get a chance to get to know each other one day, sweet Tia and even smile together.
Until then, you remain in our hearts and thoughts.
Lots of love,
Auntie Rema, Uncle Mike and Idriss xxx